Hollow glass industry

Quality control - Hollow glass industry
The customer is the world’s leading provider of quality control solutions for the hollow glass industry.
One of the aspects of the glass containers’ integrity control being the dimensional errors’ detection, the client was interested in the use of a linescan camera which would meet several criteria: the speed and the resolution, the integration of a new standardised interface and the product compactness adapted to the customer’s machine.
Custom line scan camera module
We have industrialized a custom-made, ultra-compact linear camera module, designed and assembled at objective cost.
With a latest-generation 2048-pixel monochrome CMOS sensor and CoaXPress interface, the line-scan camera module offers key features for the customer's application:
- An exceptional quality of image thanks to its large pixels (7μm x 7μm)
- The sensitivity is two to four times higher with the « binning » mode
- A high-speed scanning with a maximum line frequency of 45kHz @10-bit
- An image dynamic from 10 to 12-bit
- A high transmission speed of 3.125Gb/s on several tens of metres with the CoaXPress interface
- Power over CoaXPress wire (PoCXP) which reduces the number of wires used

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A new generation of “Miliflex Rapid”, a product developed for Merck Millipore. This automated system uses bioluminescence to detect microbial contamination using a hypersensitive camera.
A project requiring imaging?
Discover how i2S manages imaging projects. We support you in the realization of your vision systems from the design phase through to series production, including logistics and maintenance services. Your products are delivered turnkey.